I'd like to share the books, websites, etc which I often refer back to time to time.
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Note from Miho:
I am a lifelong follower of Deepak Chopra, MD. When I first learned that he was writing a book about nutrition and health, I was so excited! I appreciate his teaching about the importance of understanding human consciousness and self-awareness. He hit the nail in the head with this book, I recommend this book to almost all of my clients.
Note from Miho:
Susan Albers is a clinical psychologist. Her books explore in detail the psychology of eating. She explains how our emotions direct our behavior around food. If you are looking for a more scientific explanation of why and how our mind works around food, this is an excellent book. Not only she highlights common emotions that affect how we eat, but also, she has effective tools to handle emotions and have healthier relationship to food.
Note from Miho:
This is the very first book I've read as I started to explore the world of mindful eating. I enjoyed this book because it's written collaboratively with a Vietnamese Buddhist teacher and a registered dietitian from the Harvard School of Public Health. It's a comprehensive book that highlights the importance of mindful eating with balanced nutrition.
Note from Miho:
Marc David has been a pioneer in the field of psychology of eating. He has been teaching how our psychology affects how we eat since early 90's. Nourishing Wisdom is a quick and easy read to learn about the principles of why eat what we eat. At the end of each chapter, he has a list of reflection questions to guide you through the journey of the psychology of eating which I find very helpful and often enlightening.
Note from Miho:
A key concept in mindful eating is Slowing Down. In this fast-paced society, our meals are often rushed and on the go. Marc David explains the benefit of eating slowly to enjoy the food you eat and getting a fuller experience to satisfy your hunger. This book is broken down into weekly chapters with a lot of enlightening exercises and reflection questions. I am a big fan of his work and had taken his Psychology of Eating Coaching course in 2019. His teachings are so insightful and so true, as I listened to his lectures, I could see the entire world of psychology unfold in front of me. A new perspective to food and nutrition with so much love and compassion.
Note from Miho:
Geneen Roth is an acclaimed author on the topic of emotional eating. She had been a guest on Oprah Winfrey's show. She teaches a simple philosophy about our relationship with food. Her teachings are easy to understand, yet so powerful in improving your relationship with not only food but everything in life. She has such a keen observation of human relationships with each other and with food. You will find yourself nodding throughout the book as she shares stories of herself and other women finding peace with food and self.