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 Big Dreams


From I was a child, I've always had dreams. 


I was never afraid to move to the U.S. actually I was really excited for the new adventure. 

Since I was eleven, I dreamed of becoming a dietitian.  

When I was 16, I dreamed of visiting a third world country.

So I borrowed $2000 from my mom and visited India with my friend. 

In 2017, I took a leap of faith and decided to travel solo for a month in Thailand. 

And then to India again... 

I am a curious soul.

These are my current goals I am working on. 

Call me crazy!

Would love to hear what you think. 

Wellness center

Two years ago, I had a sudden epiphany of my future dream practice. It was a holistic wellness center. It was surrounded by beautiful greenery and open space where people can feel relaxed.

I envision this wellness center to have

  • Holistic healthcare

  • Yoga studio

  • Teaching kitchen

  • Cafe

  • Library

  • A little stream where you can dip your feet

  • Co-working/community space

For the past two years, I only dreamed of running a wellness center but now I feel like I can make this happen somewhere in the future.

Retreat center

In conjunction with the wellness center, I started to dream of running a retreat center in a remote setting. Where people can get out of their busy life in the city and enjoy nature and the slow pace of the countryside. I dream of having space where other holistic practitioners can host workshops and retreat programs like yoga retreats, nutrition retreats, and more.

Cultural Health and Wellness Experience

Japanese food culture course

I've always been wanting to create something to showcase our Japanese cultural cuisine. There are so much wisdom and beautiful teaching about food in Japan. Would you be interested to learn more?

I am taking a survey on if this is something interesting to others. If you like to learn more or have requests, please feel free to contact me here

International food tours

I learned that there's a thing called food tours abroad. One of my colleagues is hosting an international trip to Italy. She is bringing a group of women from the U.S. to join her on a food and wine tour. So I thought it would be fun to coordinate a trip!


Here are two places I would love to take you: 



For obvious reasons, I'd love to host tours in Japan.

Here are some of my ideas: 

  • Tour of Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo 

  • Vegetarian cuisine tour in Kyoto 

  • Contemporary food tour in Osaka 

  • Meditation experience in Zen temple 

  • Historical tour in Kyoto 

Any other activities you'd like to see in Japan? Tell me about your ideas! Contact


Kerala, India

Kerala is a province in the southernmost tip of India. They're known for abundant nature and kind people. 

  • Ayurveda treatment - Kerala is well known for one of the oldest traditional medicine in the world 

  • Drive the hill station and tour tea farms 

  • Indulge delicious Southern Indian cuisine 

  • Volunteer at local school and contribute to children's education in India


It's still just an idea but if you're interested, let me know!

Nutrition Practices 

Diversity Advocacy 

The research shows that 89% of Registered Dietitians are Caucasian female. I believe our field has some work to be done in terms of diversity inclusion. I remember in my undergraduate class, there were only five dietetic students of color out of 100 students. Sadly, my friend and I experienced discrimination in one of the cooking class. Since then, diversity advocacy has been a passion for me. I yearn to see our field more accepting and inclusive of dietitians of diverse background. Also, I would love to see the Caucasian dietitians to provide culturally sensitive and inclusive nutrition advice to patients/clients of color. 


I would love to teach dietetic students about the importance of diversity awareness and inclusion especially in the field of nutrition. 

Private Practice 

Working with my clients one on one is where my true joy come from. I love working with people individually and getting to know my clients, not just about their struggles with weight and food. I enjoy learning about what they like to do for fun, projects that they're working on, etc. Certainly, I'd love to keep working with my clients individually while I slowly work on my other ambitious goals!

Group Practice

Starting a private practice is often scary, there are so many things that I had to learn by running a practice. I want to create a supportive space where other dietitians and nutritionist can start building their own practice. I plan to next the group practice under my wellness center. :)

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